News, useful guides and interesting articles by La Bulldogatta

L'amaca : la cuccia perfetta per il tuo gatto!

L'amaca : la cuccia perfetta per il tuo gatto!

Ebbene sì, signori e signore, gli ultimi studi della università di Catford dimostrano che l’amaca è il giaciglio di gran lunga preferito dai gatti, secondo solo alle scatole di cartone,...

L'amaca : la cuccia perfetta per il tuo gatto!

Ebbene sì, signori e signore, gli ultimi studi della università di Catford dimostrano che l’amaca è il giaciglio di gran lunga preferito dai gatti, secondo solo alle scatole di cartone,...

Meglio il collare o la pettorina per le passeggiate con il mio cane?

Is a collar or harness better for walking my dog?

When a new furry friend joins our family this is certainly one of the first questions we ask ourselves, preparing to enjoy many walks with him, in maximum comfort for...

Is a collar or harness better for walking my dog?

When a new furry friend joins our family this is certainly one of the first questions we ask ourselves, preparing to enjoy many walks with him, in maximum comfort for...

Il gatto nudo o Sphynx: caratteristiche e curiosità

The naked cat or Sphynx: characteristics and cu...

The Sphynx or naked cat, differently from what people commonly believe (both for the name which translated means Sphinx, and because it closely resembles the famous cats venerated by the...

The naked cat or Sphynx: characteristics and cu...

The Sphynx or naked cat, differently from what people commonly believe (both for the name which translated means Sphinx, and because it closely resembles the famous cats venerated by the...

Ma il tuo negozio è serio? Perché ho avuto brutte esperienze con degli acquisti online.

But is your shop serious? Because I've had bad ...

Some indications to understand if an online shop is 'serious'

But is your shop serious? Because I've had bad ...

Some indications to understand if an online shop is 'serious'

Posso pagare alla consegna? Si, leggi come.

Can I pay on delivery? Yes, read how.

Read how to activate the payment on delivery method on the account site. Request activation of payment on delivery

Can I pay on delivery? Yes, read how.

Read how to activate the payment on delivery method on the account site. Request activation of payment on delivery

Come scegliere la taglia corretta per il mio cane

How to choose the correct size for my dog

How can I not make a mistake in choosing the size when I make an online purchase for my dog ​​or cat? Here's everything you need to do to avoid...

How to choose the correct size for my dog

How can I not make a mistake in choosing the size when I make an online purchase for my dog ​​or cat? Here's everything you need to do to avoid...