Who we are

Hi, I'm Stella, I'm a Sphynx cat and I inspired the name of shop, because, as you can see from my photo, I'm a bit stocky and my human mum and dad make fun of me a bit saying that I look like a cross between a bulldog and a Sphynx, hence the nickname Bulldogatta.
They laugh a lot when I run towards them with this French bulldog gait and I like to see them laugh and I shower them with cuddles and purrs.
It's not just me who lives in this house, I have my mum and dad Sphynx, Nefertiti and Curry (nicknames Memea and Mucchino respectively) and 3 of my 4 brothers, Minu', Luna and Hachi. The fourth little brother Federico moved to Sardinia to live with our human aunt and we are always in contact.
We live in Venice and look how we like to look out over the canal from our window to observe pigeons and seagulls and anyone who passes by our house ☺️, obviously passers-by fill us with photos and we are quite vain.

And then we love watching documentaries on TV, all together, every evening, in prime time. If human mum and dad want to watch something they have to wait for us to fall asleep, as long as there is free space for them on the sofa.

We also have with us 2 16 year old Chihuahua grandparents, Eddie and Diva, they got married a few years ago, in the photo human mum and dad accompanied them to the altar, then seeing as they were there they got married too 🤭.

My human mother asked me to also remember in this story Ulysses and Morpheus (a gray tabby and an orange tabby) and little Rameses, an unfortunate Sphynx who unfortunately fell ill with FIP and we could not save.
Our orange uncle (Morfeo) was with us when we were born and looked after us with so much love, he was our furry mother and always kept us warm, and he will forever be in our little Sphynx hearts.
Well, you will have understood, mum loves us animals very much and that is why this shop was born. You say that humans need us as much as we need them, because in this world that is always in a rush and increasingly oriented towards rationality and productivity, we are the contact with your emotional part, we take care of it and make sure may you remain in balance with your heart.
In her small way, my human mother also helps less fortunate domestic or wild animals, and will leave you the names and contacts of some associations that take care of them in the links section, so that if you want you can help them too. She also hopes with this shop to be able to do more over time, but she knows that any help, even very small, can make a difference, so she invites you to do as little or as much as is within your reach and possibilities. And if you have other associations to report, please do so, we will be very happy to add them to our links and try to support them.
I also leave you our email contact info@labulldogatta.com , you can write to me to leave comments, wishes, feedback and photos of your children or suggestions on what you can't find or would like to find in our shop, I will be very happy to bring them back to my mother, and she will do everything to please you.
Well I hope you enjoyed our story and that you also like the products selected for our shop, purring kisses and cuddles to everyone from all of us :)
Updates: in March 2023 unfortunately our grandpa Eddie left us, and after less than a month grandma Diva also left, we think she wanted to join him after a whole life spent together. We miss them so much, but we are happy that they lived a long and wonderful life, giving and receiving so much love.
Mom didn't feel like having other little dogs in her life, but in reality Ariel, the chihuahua, soon arrived, and shortly after Alice, a small Italian greyhound, we call them the chihua and the pli asd (criminal association).
Here they are, they are 2 nags, because they are puppies and very lively, especially Alice, never stays still and always disturbs us when we are resting on the sofa, but the 2 of them are inseparable, and in any case we sphynxes too love them very much and, at least when Alice she's calm and sleeping, we're all happy to be together :)